Birthday in Tbilisi, Georgia

After an amazing 3-month road trip through Europe, we headed to Tbilisi for a “quiet” month, to get back into slow travel. 

Tbilisi will always be very special to me, because this was my “fuck it” moment. When I first started travelling in 2018, I had a choice between taking the safe route – sticking to Asia first, to get my bearings. Or fuck it, and go to the only visa-free quasi European country for me. 

You can guess what I decided. 

my 2nd birthday

Happy travel birthday to me!!! And in Georgia again, no less. 

Tbilisi, like Paris, felt very magical to me for different reasons. I went to Paris because it was a childhood Hollywood dream. I got all choked up watching the Eiffel light show. 

But I went to Tbilisi as a way to step out of my comfort zone, do the ‘irresponsible thing’, and travel alone to another continent for the first time. 

That moment changed my life.