Creating Connections: The Secret to Remote Productivity and Happiness

I’ve been working remotely for most of my career, and with the freedom that comes with it, is an inherent seclusion and loneliness.

Travelling helps with creating human connection, but even that can be a struggle, since most people you meet are glued to their devices. The days of pen and paper musings, card games, and random conversations are few and far in between.

Joining local facebook groups helps a lot, but even then, the introvert in me struggles to make in-person connections.

In my involuntary quest for more connection, the question that always comes up for me is, “Why not connect with the people I work with?” In a previous corporate life, I ate lunch with, took breaks with, and hung out with my colleagues… why can’t I do that now, with the remote teams I interact with every single day?

And so, marrying that thought with the idea of co-working sessions, Rent-a-COO is launching Work Together, Work Better – virtual co-working sessions to promote productivity and connection internally, and with our clients’ teams.

These sessions are commitment-free and open to all Rent-a-COO clients and their teams across the globe. Using productivity techniques like Pomodoro, we work together, take breaks together, and reduce time in front of the computer.

What used to take me 4 hours, I can finish in 2.

The power of focus, support, and connection is undeniable.